Lena Oehmsen

SF>LA>NY (road trip in 72 images)

»SF>LA>NY« addresses the collective memory of images, which is being re-challenged through social networks. Here travel photographs of­ten find their equivalence in short texts. Pre­sented in a slide show the text returns to the photo­graphic context. 

The story of a road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles and New York is told without any concrete images. The observer can only fill the void with his/her personal image-archive. It rai­ses questions about the connection between the daily image frenzy and our personal photo­graphic behavior as well as the role and man­date of con­tem­porary travel photography.

SF>LA>NY (road trip in 72 images), per­for­mance, installation, 72 slides, approximately 7 min, 2013