Lena Oehmsen

1 new message

In the performance/installation "1 new mes­sage" the digi­tal pro­cess of cell­phone-­tex­ting is trans­posed into an ana­logue one. There­by the piece con­cen­trates on the mo­ments of re­cei­ving and sen­ding a mes­sage.

Upon en­tering the ex­hi­bition space the visitor in­evi­tably par­ti­ci­pates in the per­for­mance: As a po­ten­tial re­ci­pient of a mes­sage – mes­sages are de­li­vered by neu­tral mes­sengers, as a sen­der, when copy­ing a text-message from the past two days to a post­card in the mes­sage-booth, or as an ob­ser­ver of the scenery.

The performance/installation in­vites to reflect upon the mes­sage it­self. How does one react on in­coming per­so­nal mes­sages in public – as reci­pient or as ob­ser­ver? What is the re­la­tion­ship be­tween mes­sage and trans­mis­sion? What is its content ? What does a mes­sage sig­nify?

1 new message, installation/performance, mixed media, 105 × 102,5 × 230 cm, per­for­­mance in co­opera­tion with Lionel Tomm, 2014